Social engagement
Dr-Ing hc Bernhard Kapp – Prize

The Dr-Ing hc Bernhard Kapp Prize has been awarded by the Coburg Rotary Gemeindienst e.V. since 2001 and is supported by the KAPP NILES Group. It was donated by Dr.-Ing. E. h. Bernhard Kapp to awaken young people's interest in engineering practice. For over 20 years, the prize has been awarded annually to pupils in the eleventh class of the grammar schools in the Coburg area who have independently carried out projects with a link to engineering practice and a high level of application relevance. In total, over 271 prizewinners have been honoured for around 200 innovative projects. This helped to increase interest in the engineering profession in schools.
Pandemic-related restrictions in school operations and a decline in interest in participation, led to Rotary Gemeindienst e.V. ending the annual award ceremony. Since 2024, the remaining foundation funds have been distributed specifically to educational institutions in the region to continue to enable initiatives to promote the next generation of engineers.
Dr Kapp Vorbildpreis (Citizenship Prize)

This prize is awarded to apprentices or re-trainees from Upper Franconian companies that are members of "bayme", the Bavarian association of the metal and electro industry (Bayerischen Unternehmensverbandes Metall und Elektro e. V.) who support their fellow members of society in some special way with voluntary or social work. The prize is named after Dr-Ing Eh Bernhard Kapp, who is being honoured with this competition for his many years of work in Upper Franconian employers associations. Young people from the "byme" association member companies in Upper Franconia can apply to take part through their training supervisors. The application should include when the voluntary work started, how much time they invest in it and the corresponding target group. The training supervisor adds a short declaration about the professional performance of the applicant and sends everything to "bayme". "Professional commitment is important in the lives of young people. However, the commitment to society, whose welfare is the foundation of our state, is just as important. And it is exactly that voluntary commitment that we want the promote in our region", explains Martin Kapp, executive manager of the KAPP Group.
Germany Scholarship
We support talented people from the region and participate in the Germany Scholarship. This is the largest collaborative public-private project in the field of education which allows us to get to know potentially skilled employees, gain insights into research and science and strengthen the regional network.
VDW Foundation
We support the VDW Foundation to support young professionals which aims to support and attract young professionals to the machine tool industry. The operative projects serve to transfer knowledge between industry, schools, university and to improve training in order to increase the number of students and trainees in the machine tool industry.
Service Performance Center

KAPP NILES focuses on joint projects as part of its membership in the Smart Logistics Cluster on the RWTH Aachen Campus. The Service Performance Center supports companies in their transformation into intelligent solution providers as a partner for innovation, development and the market launch of new services, digital products and subscription business models. Together with the Service Performance Center, KAPP NILES is implementing the innovation project "Sales Excellence for Digital Products".
Research Projects
Engineers and technicians of our company work closely with educational institutions. They benefit from state-of-the-art machine technology and practical experience, while the latest research results can be directly incorporated into our processes. We work together with the following institutions.
- Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) of RWTH Aachen University
- Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management (IWF) of the Technical University Berlin
- Leibniz Institute for Materials-oriented Technologies (IWT) at the University of Bremen
- Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology in Chemnitz (IWU)
- Institute for Production Engineering and Machine Tools (IFW) of the Leibniz University Hannover
- University of Applied Sciences and Arts Coburg