Privacy statement of Kapp GmbH & Co. KG

Welcome to our site and thank you for your interest in our company. We take the security of your personal information very seriously. We process your data in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, particularly the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) and the country-specific implementation laws applicable to us. The purpose of this privacy statement is to provide you with comprehensive information on the processing of your personal data by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG and your vested rights. KAPP GmbH & Co. KG handles the website for all its associated and related companies listed below (collectively referred to as “KAPP NILES Group”): KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

  • KAPP Technologie GmbH
  • KAPP NILES Metrology GmbH
  • KAPP Technologies L.P.
  • KAPP NILES Dienstleistungs-GmbH
  • KAPP Ausbildungs-GmbH
  • Bitek Srl a Socio Unico

“Personal data” refers to information that can be used to identify a natural person. In particular, this includes a person’s name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address or their IP address. KAPP GmbH & Co.KG uses your personal data in accordance with the applicable provisions of the law, particularly the data privacy regulations of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) and the German Data Protection Act (BDSG). All personal data are processed on servers in Germany and not stored longer than necessary.

Office in charge

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG 
Callenberger Str. 52 
96450 Coburg 

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003 
Email: z-kom (at)

Data Privacy contact info:
Email: datenschutz (at)

Your rights as an affected person 
First of all, we wish to inform you of your rights as an affected person. These rights are standardised in Art. 15 - 22 EU-GDPR. This includes:

The right to information (Art. 15 EU-GDPR)
The right to deletion (Art. 17 EU-GDPR)
The right to correction (Art. 16 EU-GDPR)
The right to data portability (Art. 20 EU-GDPR)
The right to limit data processing (Art. 18 EU-GDPR)
The right to opt out of data processing (Art. 21 EU-GDPR).

To claim these rights, please contact: The same applies to questions regarding data processing in our company. You also have the right of appeal through a data protection agency.

Rights of objection
Regarding rights of objection, please note the following:
If we process your personal data for direct advertising, you have the right to opt out of this data processing at any time without providing any reasons. This also applies to profiling in conjunction with direct advertising. If you opt out of processing for direct advertising, we will no longer use your personal data for this purpose. There is no charge for opting out, and you can do so informally, preferably by sending an email to If we process your data to safeguard legitimate interests, you can object to this processing at any time for reasons stemming from your particular situation; this likewise applies to profiling on the basis of these terms. We will then no longer process your personal data unless we are able to demonstrate compulsory and legitimate reasons which take precedence over your interests, rights and freedoms or demonstrate that the data is being processed to enforce, exercise or defend legal claims.

Purposes and legal bases for data processing
Your personal data are processed in accordance with the provisions of the EU-GDPR and all other applicable data privacy provisions. Legal bases arise particularly from Art. 6 EU-GDPR. If you send us your personal data in conjunction with our job market, a newsletter subscription, to use the KAPP NILES Media area or a contact enquiry, we will handle it as follows. We use your data exclusively to advise you, offer products and services, transmit associated information and for advertising purposes, which can also involve analyses for marketing purposes and direct advertising. All data collected will be kept confidential in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Your consent constitutes a data protection permission requirement. We then inform you of the purposes of the data processing and your right of revocation. If the consent also pertains to the processing of special categories of personal data, we will explicitly indicate this in the consent text. Special categories of personal data as defined by Art. 9 par. 1 EU-GDPR will only be processed if legally required and if there is no reason to assume that your legitimate interest in excluding the data from processing should take precedence.

Transfer to third parties
We will only transfer your data to third parties within the scope of legal provisions or with appropriate consent. Otherwise, we will not transfer any personal data to third parties unless we are obligated to do so based on compulsory legal provisions (transfer to external organisations such as controlling or prosecuting authorities).

Recipients of the data / categories of recipients
Within our company, we ensure that your data is only received by those people who need it in order to meet contractual and legal obligations. So the applications submitted with the “online application” form can only be viewed by staff working in the Human Resources Dept. of KAPP GmbH & Co. KG. General contact enquiries are received by the Management Office of KAPP GmbH & Co. KG and are forwarded to the relevant departments within the KAPP NILES group Newsletter subscription orders as well as registrations in the KAPP NILES Media area via online contact forms are received and processed by the Communication | Marketing Dept. All data are stored on a provider’s server in Germany only used by KAPP NILES and can only be accessed by the aforementioned persons, by the IT department of KAPP GmbH & Co. KG and by our provider. On occasion, service providers may assist our specialist departments in performing their functions. The required data protection agreement has been signed by all service providers.

Data transfer to third countries / intention to transfer to third countries
A transfer of data to third countries (outside the European Union or the European Economic Area) shall only take place if required by law or if you have provided your consent for such a transfer.

Period of data storage
We store your data for as long as is needed for the respective purpose of processing. Please note that many retention periods exist requiring that data continues to be stored. This particularly relates to retention obligations under commercial or fiscal law (such as the German Commercial Code, German Revenue Code, etc.). Unless there are further-reaching retention obligations, the data will be erased once the relevant purpose has been fulfilled. In addition, we may retain data if you have provided your authorisation for us to do so, or if legal disputes arise within the statutory limitation period and we use pieces of evidence that become subject to legal limitation periods, which may be up to thirty years; the regular limitation period is three years.

Secure transfer of your data
We implement appropriate technical and organisational safety measures for the best possible protection of the data we store against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorised individuals. Security levels are reviewed on an ongoing basis in collaboration with security experts, and adapted to new security standards. Data exchange from and to our web server is encrypted. We use HTTPS as the transfer protocol, always subject to the use of current encryption protocols.

Obligation to provide data
Various personal data is required for the establishment, implementation, and termination of the contractual relationship, and the fulfilment of the associated contractual and legal obligations. The same applies for the use of our website and the various functions it offers. In certain cases, data also needs to be collected or made available legal provisions. Please note that it is not possible to process your enquiry or execute an underlying contractual relationship without the provision of this data.

Categories, sources, and the origin of data
Which data we process is determined by the given context: It depends, for example, on whether you enter an enquiry into our contact form, or you are sending us an application or submitting a complaint. Please note that we may also make information for particular processing situations separately available to an appropriate body, e.g. when application documents are uploaded or a contact enquiry is sent. When you visit our website, we collect and process the following data:

Each time this site is used, so-called usage data are recorded in server logfiles. These usage data are transmitted automatically by your internet browser. The data comprises the following information:

  • IP address (internet protocol address) of the computer from which are accessed
  • Internet address of the site from which was accessed (i.e. origin or referrer URL)
  • Name of the service provider which was used to access
  • Name of the files or information accessed
  • Date and time as well as duration of recalling the data
  • Amount of data transferred
  • Operating system and information on the internet browser of the computer used to access
  • http status code (e.g., “OK” or “requested file not found”).

For reasons of technical security (particularly to prevent attempts to hack our web server), KAPP GmbH & Co. KG will store the aforementioned log data for up to ten days and then anonymised, as per Art. 6 par. 1 lit. F EU-GDPR. The exception is data which must be retained as evidence. In individual cases, log data can be handed over to investigative authorities. Apart from that, these log data are stored and evaluated only in an anonymised form. In conjunction with the anonymisation process, the IP address is abbreviated, such that it can no longer be traced back to the user.

Depending on the type of enquiry, we collect and process the following data:

1)   Contact form
First name:
Last name:
Postal Code:
(all optional fields)

(all required fields)

Contact form / making contact via Email (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a, b EU-DS-GVO, § 25 Abs. 1 TDDDG)
Our website features a contact form that can be used to make contact electronically. If you write to us using the contact form, we process the personal data you provide in the contact form to make contact and respond to your questions and requests. The principle of data economy and data reduction is taken into account here, in that you only need to provide the data that we need in order to make contact with you. This comprises your email address and the message field itself. In addition, your IP address is processed for reasons of technical necessity and legal safeguarding. All other data fields are voluntary, and you have the option of filling them out (e.g. for a more individualised response to your questions). If you contact us by email, we will process the personal data you provide in the email purely for processing your enquiry. If you do not use the provided form to contact us, no further data will be collected.

2)   Newsletter orders
First Name:
Last Name:
(required fields)

Newsletter (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a EU-GDPR)
You can subscribe to a free-of-charge newsletter on our website. Our newsletters contain information on services of the KAPP NILES Group. The e-mail address provided when registering for the newsletter is used for sending the newsletter. The first name, last name and company details are used for profiling and individual addressing. When you subscribe to the newsletter, your IP address will also be processed for reasons of technical necessity and legal safeguarding. The newsletter contains a so-called "web beacon", which is retrieved from our server when the newsletter is opened. As part of this retrieval, technical information such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and the time of the retrieval, are initially collected. This information is used for the technical improvement of our newsletter on the basis of the technical data or the target groups and their reading behaviour on the basis of their retrieval locations (which can be determined with the help of the IP address) or the access times. This analysis also includes determining whether the newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links they contain were clicked on. The collected data is stored on our servers in Europe. The analysis is made by the "SuperMailer" software, which is also used to send the newsletters.

You may revoke this consent at any time with future effect using a link contained in the email or by sending an email to z-kom (at) with the subject “unsubscribe”. Once you have revoked your consent, your data will be deleted from our newsletter database. Your data will not be transferred to any company / individuals outside of the KAPP NILES group.

Advertising purposes for existing customers (Art. 6 par. 1 lit. f EU-GDPR)
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG is interested in maintaining its customer relationship with you, and sending you information and offers relating to our products/services. To do so, we need a statement of consent, even for existing customers. You can request the necessary form by emailing z-kom (at) or fill it out directly on our website at

3)    Registration in the KAPP NILES media-area (
(all optional fields)

First Name:
Last Name:
Postal Code:
(required fields)

On our website, we provide exclusive content in the KAPP NILES Media area. This requires registration with the above-mentioned data. This is required for the provision of additional product and event information as well as mailings. Your details will only be processed by the Marketing / Communications and Sales departments.

You have the right to revoke your media registration at any time, with effect for the future, via the button „delete account“ or by sending an e-mail to z-kom(at) with the subject "delete media account". As soon as you have revoked your consent, your data will be deleted from our media database.

4)   Online application
First name:
Last name:
Post code:
(all optional fields)

Cover letter:
(all required fields)

We also use data permissibly obtained from publicly accessible records (e.g. professional networks)

Application portal (Art. 6 par. 1 lit. a, b EU-GDPR)
We value your privacy and will only use the personal data you provide through the application form for the purpose of effectively and correctly processing your application and in order to reach contacts in conjunction with the application process. Your data will not be shared with third parties. As part of the application form, you will be asked to provide personal data. In accordance with the principle of data economy and data reduction, we will only ask you for those details which we need to fully review your application documents, e.g. your curriculum vitae, your cover letter, your attachments and your email address, which we are legally obligated to obtain. These required fields are marked with an * (asterisk). For reasons of technical necessity and legal safeguarding, your IP address will also be processed. Without these data, we will unfortunately not be able to fully review your application documents, and our application system will therefore not allow you to upload the application documents. Of course, you have the option to provide voluntary information on the application form. We implement appropriate safety measures to best ensure the security and confidentiality of your data. Our application system will transmit your application documents to us in encrypted format. We will store your data for the aforementioned purpose until the application process is completed and the relevant terms have expired - no later than six months after receiving a decision. However, you have the option of allowing us to keep your application for longer and to compare it with other job vacancies that match your profile. To do so, you will need to give consent by clicking the check box before uploading your application documents. In this case, we will keep your data for 12 months. You can, of course, revoke your consent at any time, without giving any reasons, with future effect by sending an email to bewerbung (at) or by mailing a letter to KAPP GmbH & Co. KG, Human Resources, CONFIDENTIAL, Callenberger Str. 52, 96450 Coburg.

Automated decision-making in individual cases
We do not use any purely automated processing procedures for making decisions.

Cookies (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f EU-DS-GVO, § 25 Abs. 2 TDDDG / Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a EU-DS-GVO, § 25 Abs. 1 TDDDG with consent)
Our websites use cookies in various places. They are used to make our site more user-friendly, effective, and secure. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your computer and saved by your browser (locally and on your hard drive). These cookies enable us to analyse how users use our websites. This way, we can design the content of the website to meet the needs of its visitors. Cookies also enable us to measure how effective a particular advertisement is, and for example to place it depending on thematic user interests. Most of the cookies we use are what are known as “session cookies”. These are automatically deleted after your visit. Permanent cookies are automatically deleted from your computer when their term of validity (generally six months) is reached, or if you delete them yourself before the term of validity expires. Most web browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can generally also change your browser settings if you would prefer not to send information. You can continue to use our website without restrictions in this case. Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and transferred from it to our site. As a user, you therefore also have full control over the use of cookies. You can disable or restrict the transfer of cookies by changing the settings in your web browser. Furthermore, cookies that have already been set can also be deleted at any time using a web browser or other software programs. This can be done in all conventional web browsers.

Necessary  (4)

Necessary cookies help making a website usable by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function correctly without these cookies.

Name Provider Purpose Expiration Type
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is useful for the website to reduce the data load of the web server by bots. 6 months HTTP Cookie
cookieControlPrefs Storage of the cookie setting 12 months HTTP Cookie
cookieControl Storage of the cookie setting 12 months HTTP Cookie
fe_typo_user Storage of the login when logging in on the "Media" subpage Session Session Cookie

*Google reCAPTCHA

We use "Google reCAPTCHA" (hereinafter "reCAPTCHA") on our websites. The provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland ("Google").

The purpose of reCAPTCHA is to check whether data entry on our websites (e.g. in a contact form) is made by a human or by an automated programme. For this purpose, reCAPTCHA analyses the behaviour of the website visitor on the basis of various characteristics. This analysis begins automatically as soon as the website visitor enters the website. For the analysis, reCAPTCHA evaluates various information (e.g. IP address, time spent by the website visitor on the website or mouse movements made by the user). The data collected during the analysis is forwarded to Google.

The reCAPTCHA analyses run entirely in the background. Website visitors are not informed that an analysis is running.

The data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f EU-GDPR. The website owner has a legitimate interest in protecting its web offers from abusive automated spying and from SPAM.

For more information on Google reCAPTCHA and Google's privacy policy, please see the following links: and



Google Analytics uses "cookies", which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If IP anonymisation is activated on this website, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. In addition, you can prevent the collection of data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) by Google, as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser add-on available at the following link. The current link is
If your web browser (e.g. when calling up our website from your smartphone) does not support the above link to Google's browser add-on, you can also prevent the collection of data by Google Analytics by clicking on the following link. An opt-out cookie will then be set, which will prevent the future collection of your data when visiting this website: Deactivate Google Analytics

We use Hotjar to better understand the needs of our users and to optimise this service and experience. Hotjar is a technology service that helps us better understand our users' experiences (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they click, what users like and dislike, etc.) and enables us to build and maintain our service based on user feedback. Hotjar uses cookies and other technologies to collect data about the behaviour of our users and their devices. This includes a device's IP address (which is processed during your session and stored in anonymised form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only) and the preferred language in which our website is displayed. Hotjar stores this information on our behalf in a pseudonymised user profile. Hotjar is contractually prohibited from selling the data collected on our behalf.

Further details can be found in the 'About Hotjar' section on Hotjar's support page.

Hotjar uses the following analytics cookies:

Name Provider Purpose Expiration
_hjFirstSeen Hotjar Hotjar sets this cookie to identify a new user’s first session. It stores a true/​false value, indicating whether it was the first time Hotjar saw this user. 30 minutes
_​hjIncludedInSessionSample Hotjar Hotjar sets this cookie to know whether a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site’s daily session limit. 2 minutes
_hjIncludedInPageviewSample Hotjar Hotjar sets this cookie to know whether a user is included in the data sampling defined by the site’s pageview limit. 2 minutes
_​hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Hotjar Hotjar sets this cookie to detect the first pageview session of a user. This is a True/​False flag set by the cookie. 30 minutes
_​hjSessionUser_​xxxxxxx Hotjar The _​hjSessionUser_​xxxxxxx cookie, installed by Hotjar, shows how users are interacting with the site. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. 1 year
_​hjSession_​xxxxxxx Hotjar The _​hjSession_​xxxxxxx cookie, installed by Hotjar, shows how users are interacting with the site. The cookie stores information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognize unique visitors. 30 minutes

We use the YouTube function No-Cookies, i.e. we have activated Extended Data Protection, videos are not accessed via, but via YouTube provides this itself and thus assures that YouTube does not initially store any cookies on your device. When the pages in question are accessed, however, the IP address and the other data mentioned in section 4 are transmitted and thus communicated in particular which of our Internet pages you have visited. However, this information cannot be assigned to you if you are permanently logged in to YouTube or another Google service when you view the page. As soon as you start playing an embedded video by clicking on it, YouTube only stores cookies on your device that do not contain any personally identifiable data through the extended data protection mode, unless you are currently logged in to a Google service. These cookies can be prevented by appropriate browser settings and extensions.

Address (YouTube/Google):
Google Ireland Limited
Gordon House, Barrow Street,
Dublin 4,


Facebook (
1)    Purpose of the fan page
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG operates this Facebook fan page in order to reach a broad group of people, to communicate with it, to point out the current events and to inform about the technological developments in the field of gear grinding.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and the services of Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. for the information service offered here. The Facebook platform is a product provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.

Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2 Ireland

Contact for privacy concerns of Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
Link to the contact form:
We point out that the user data can be processed in non-EU countries. This can lead to difficult enforcement of user rights.

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use this Facebook page and its functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features (e.g., commenting, sharing, rating).

4)    Type and scope of data collection
When accessing a Facebook page, the IP address assigned to your device will be transmitted to Meta. According to information provided by Meta, this IP address is anonymised (for "German" IP addresses) and deleted after 90 days. Meta also stores information about its users' terminals (e.g., as part of the "logon notification" feature); If necessary, Meta is thus an assignment of IP addresses to individual users possible.

If you are currently logged in to Facebook as a user, you will find a cookie with your Facebook ID on your device. As a result, Meta is able to understand that you visited this page and how you used it. This also applies to all other Facebook pages. Via Facebook buttons embedded in web pages, Meta is able to record your visits to these web pages and assign them to your Facebook profile. Based on this data content or advertising can be tailored to suit you. If you want to avoid this, you should log out of Facebook or opt-out, disable the cookies on your device, and close and restart your browser. This will delete Facebook information that can be immediately identified. This allows you to use our Facebook page without revealing your Facebook ID. When you access the site's interactive features (like, comment, share, news, etc.), a Facebook login screen appears. After any registration, you will be recognizable as a specific user for Facebook again.

5)    Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
In addition, we as provider of the information service do not collect and process any data from your use of our service. The statistics provided to us by Meta are neither stored nor evaluated nor further processed by us. There is no disclosure of this data to companies outside the KAPP NILES group of companies. A list of companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found in our privacy policy.

6)    Purpose of data collection and Meta data policies
This information is used to provide us as the operator of the Facebook pages statistical information on the use of the Facebook page. For more information, please visit Meta at the following link:
In addition, your data will be processed by Meta for marketing research and promotional purposes, and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union. What information Meta receives and how they are used, Meta describes in general terms in its data policy: The complete Facebook data policy can be found here:

7)    Control over Facebook Ads
Under the following link you will find information about advertising preferences as well as setting options for ads.

8)    Possibilities to inform, delete and correct your data
You have the option to view, completely download or delete the information saved by Facebook about you:
For more information on how to manage or delete existing information about you, visit the following Meta support pages:

Instagram (
1)    Purpose of the fan page
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG operates this Instagram fan page in order to reach a broad group of people, to communicate with it and to point out the current events.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and the services of Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. for the information service offered here. The Instagram platform is a product provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited.

Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd.
4 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbour
Dublin 2 Ireland

E-Mail: impressum (at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
Link to the contact form:
Please note that user data may be processed in non-EU countries. This can lead to more difficult enforcement of user rights.

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use this Instagram page and its functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features (e.g., commenting, sharing, rating).

4)    Type and scope of data collection
When accessing an Instagram page, further information is transmitted to Meta in addition to cookies. The scope of this data also depends, among other things, on the way in which this service is used and on which end devices. You can find a detailed description in the Meta privacy policy:

5)     Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
In addition, we as provider of the information service do not collect and process any data from your use of our service. The statistics provided to us by Meta are neither stored nor evaluated nor further processed by us. There is no disclosure of this data to companies outside the KAPP NILES group of companies. A list of companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found in our privacy policy.

6)     Purpose of data collection and Meta data policies
This information is used, among other things, to provide us, as the operator of the Instagram page, with statistical information about the use of the Instagram page. This includes, for example, the number of people who view, react to or comment on our posts.
Furthermore, your data will be processed by Meta for the provision of the services, creation of personalised products, but also for market research and advertising purposes, and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union in the process. As Instagram is a Meta product, the data collected about you by Instagram is processed together with data from other Meta products. Meta describes what information it receives and how it is used in its privacy policy.

7)   Information about Instagram-Ads
You can find information about ads on Instagram in the mobile version (on your smartphone) in the settings of your Instagram account. Furthermore, Meta states in its privacy policy that if you do not want to receive personalised advertisements from Meta partners, you can regulate this via the settings of your end devices.

8)    Possibilities to inform, delete and correct your data
You have the possibility to view the data in Instagram stored about you by Meta:, to download the data: or to delete it: To delete the data, your account must be permanently deleted.

LinkedIn (
1)    Purpose of our LinkedIn fan page
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG operates this LinkedIn fan page in order to reach a broad group of people, to communicate with it, to point out the current events and to inform about the technological developments in the field of gear grinding.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and the services of the LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company for the information service offered here.

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Wilton Place,
Dublin 2, Ireland

Contact for privacy concerns:
Link to the contact form:
We point out that the user data can be processed in non-EU countries. This can lead to difficult enforcement of user rights.

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use this LinkedIn page and its functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features (e.g. commenting, sharing, rating).

4)    Type and scope of data collection
When accessing a LinkedIn page, the operator of this social media platform logs your usage data, such as the IP address assigned to your end device, login data, cookies and device information. Information on how LinkedIn uses cookies and similar technologies and for what purpose they are used can be found here:

5)    LinkedIn data policies
Your data will be processed by LinkedIn for market research and advertising purposes, among other things, and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union. LinkedIn describes what information it receives and how it is used in its data policy:
Furthermore, this information is used to provide us, as the operator of the LinkedIn page, with statistical information about the use of the LinkedIn page. LinkedIn provides more detailed information on this under the following link:

6)    Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

We use LinkedIn forms for lead generation in the context of advertised posts, such as sponsored articles. We collect the business email address you voluntarily provide to get access to the post. We use this information to contact you with information about our services and products that are reported on in the respective post. This processing is based on your consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit. a DS-GVO), which you can revoke at any time with effect for the future.
Beyond this, we do not process any data from your use of the service. The statistical data provided to us by LinkedIn is neither stored nor analysed or further processed by us. This data is not passed on to companies outside the KAPP NILES Group. A list of the companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found at the beginning of our privacy policy.

Translated with (free version)

7)    Control over LinkedIn Ads
In the above-mentioned privacy policy, you will also find information on contact options for LinkedIn as well as on the settings options for advertisements. If you are logged in to LinkedIn, you can make the settings for advertising here:

If you are not a member of LinkedIn, you can set a cookie to reject advertising here:
General LinkedIn and Microsoft ad settings can be made here:

8)    Possibilities to inform, delete and correct your data
You have the option of requesting a copy of the personal data stored about you from LinkedIn. As a LinkedIn member, you can do this via your settings or by using this link:

For more information about how to delete information about you, please visit the following LinkedIn pages:

Twitter (
1)    Purpose of our Twitter fan page
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG operates this Twitter fan page in order to reach a broad group of people, to communicate with it, to point out the current events and to inform about the technological developments in the field of gear grinding and metrology.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) Twitter International Company
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and the services of Twitter, Inc. for the information service offered here.

Twitter International Company
Attn: Data Protection Officer
One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street
Dublin 2, D02 AX07 Ireland

Contact for privacy concerns
You have the option of contacting Twitter's data protection officer confidentially:  
Please note that user data may be processed in non-EU countries. This can lead to more difficult enforcement of user rights. However, Twitter has submitted to the conditions of the EU-US Privacy Shield and agrees to comply with the data protection standards of the EU and Switzerland. (

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use this Twitter page and its functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features (e.g. commenting, sharing, rating).

4)    Type and scope of data collection
When accessing a Twitter page, further information is transmitted to Twitter in addition to the data you entered when creating the account. This includes, for example, the IP address assigned to your end device. Twitter also stores information about the end devices of its users; this may enable Twitter to assign IP addresses to individual users.

If you are currently logged in to Twitter as a user, a cookie with your Twitter ID is stored on your end device. This enables Twitter to track that you have visited this page and how you have used it. This also applies to all other Twitter pages. Twitter buttons integrated into websites enable the service to record your visits to these websites and assign them to your Twitter profile. This data can be used to offer content or advertising tailored to you.

In addition to the cookies, Twitter processes so-called log data from all persons who use Twitter services, regardless of whether they have their own account with Twitter or not. The log data includes your IP address, your browser type, your operating system, information about the website you previously visited and the pages you viewed, your location, your mobile phone provider, your device information (including device ID and application ID), search terms (including those that were not transmitted as requests) and cookie information. This log data is kept for a maximum period of 18 months.

5)    Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
In addition, we as provider of the information service do not collect and process any data from your use of our service. The statistics provided to us by Twitter are neither stored nor evaluated nor further processed by us. There is no disclosure of this data to companies outside the KAPP NILES group of companies. A list of companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found in our privacy policy.

6)    Purpose of data collection and Twitter data policies
This information is used to provide us as the operator of the Twitter pages statistical information on the use of the Twitter page. For more information, please visit Twitter at the following link:
In addition, your data will be processed by Twitter for marketing research and promotional purposes and may be transferred to countries outside the European Union. What information Twitter receives and how they are used, Twitter describes in general terms in its data policy:

7)    Control over Twitter Ads
In the above mentioned data policy, you will also find information about how to contact Twitter and a link to opt out of interest-based advertising: https://optout.aboutads.inf.

8)    Possibilities to inform, delete and correct your data
If you have a Twitter account, you have the option of viewing, adjusting or deleting the personal data stored about you by Twitter via your account settings. Furthermore, you can submit a request to Twitter's data protection officer on the subject of information, correction or deletion of your data:

1)   Purpose of the Xing company profile
KAPP GmbH & Co. has an account on XING so that it can be found on this portal as a potential employer for specialists and managers.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) Xing.
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and services of New Work SE. for the information service offered here.

New Work SE
Dammtorstraße 30
20354 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 419 131-0
Fax: +49 40 419 131-11

Contact for privacy concerns:
Felix Lasse
Dammtorstraße 30
20354 Hamburg

E-Mail: Datenschutzbeauftragter (at)

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use this Xing page and its functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features.

4)    Type and scope of data collection
In accordance with Xing's privacy policy, in addition to the information that you actively provide to this platform (such as your name or password), information about your activities is collected and processed by means of various tracking procedures (including cookies and pixels). This includes, for example, the time of the page view, your location data, device data, etc. According to Xing, the data collected through tracking is largely deleted after 90 days at the latest. You have the option of preventing the tracking of third-party providers within the XING environment:

Furthermore, Xing states that it processes information about users that comes from other sources. This includes, for example, data that could be extracted from an address book, such as email addresses, telephone numbers or job titles. Further information on this can be found in the Xing privacy policy.

5)    Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
In addition, we as provider of the information service do not collect and process any data from your use of our service. The statistics provided to us by Xing are neither stored nor evaluated nor further processed by us. There is no disclosure of this data to companies outside the KAPP NILES group of companies. A list of companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found in our privacy policy.

6)    Purpose of data collection and Xing data policies
This information is used to provide us, as the operator of the Xing site, with statistical information about the use of the Xing site.
Furthermore, Xing processes your data to ensure security, provide the service and for market research and advertising purposes, among other things. Xing describes in general terms what information Xing receives and how it is used in its privacy policy:

7)    Control over Xing Ads
In the above-mentioned privacy policy, you will also find information on contact options for Xing as well as on the setting options for advertisements.

8)    Possibilities to inform, delete and correct your data
Among other things, you have the option to view, correct, download in full or delete the data Xing has stored about you:

1)    Purpose of the use of Bitly services
As part of the posts we publish on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, we use shortlinks to our website, which are generated via the provider Bitly. This serves the purpose of reducing the number of characters in the body text and thus making the content more appealing to readers.
The service Bitly (Bitly, Inc.) provides us as the operator with statistical information about the use of the shortlink usage. This includes, for example, the number of people who have clicked on our links, the name of the page or app through which the link was accessed, the operating system of the mobile device or the country in which the user is located.

2)    Responsible bodies
2.1) KAPP GmbH & Co. KG

KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
Callenberger Str. 52
96450 Coburg

Contact information:
Phone: 0049 9561 866 0
Fax: 0049 9561 866 1003
E-Mail: z-kom(at)

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: datenschutz(at)

2.2) Bitly.
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG uses the technical platform and services of Bitly Inc. for the information service offered here.

Bitly Inc.
139 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor,
New York, NY 10010

Contact for privacy concerns:
E-Mail: privacy (at)

Please note that user data may be processed in non-EU countries. This can lead to more difficult enforcement of user rights. However, Bitly has submitted to the conditions of the EU-US Privacy Shield and agrees to comply with the data protection standards of the EU and Switzerland.

3)    Personal responsibility of the users
We point out that you use the Bitly links as well as our social media pages and their functions on your own responsibility. This is especially true for the use of interactive features.

4)    Data collection and data processing by KAPP GmbH & Co. KG
In addition, we as provider of the information service do not collect and process any data from your use of our service. The statistics provided to us by Bitly are neither stored nor evaluated nor further processed by us. There is no disclosure of this data to companies outside the KAPP NILES group of companies. A list of companies belonging to the KAPP NILES Group can be found in our privacy policy.

5)    Purpose of data collection and Bitly data policies
For further information about Bitly's data processing, tracking control options and your rights, please refer to Bitly's privacy policy:




The purpose of the app is to inform the operators of the products (machine tools, extenders, measuring machines) of KAPP NILES, which are equipped with KN assist, about their current operating status. In addition, the operators can also send or view service requests to the manufacturer for these machines. In addition, the documentation of the customer's own machines, which must be saved on the KN assist system, can be viewed via the app.

The following data is session-based and is automatically deleted after logout:

  • User name
  • Password
  • App key (host address, port and customer ID)
  • Selected language
  • Device-specific push ID

Furthermore, data is stored on KAPP NILES' own central server at the company headquarters in Coburg:

  • Various logs (e.g. login, API calls)
  • Service requests and their contents (comments, attachments)

No data is passed on to third parties.

No data is passed on to servers in third countries. However, the data can be accessed or downloaded from end devices that may be used in third countries.

The app does not use any analysis or tracking tools.

The app accesses the camera and, if used, the internal memory of the smartphone. The accesses are optional.

To assert your rights as a data subject, please contact: support (at) The same applies if you have questions about data processing in our apps or would like to revoke a consent granted therein. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.

KAPP NILES Conference Center

The app serves as an active means of communication between the operators and the support staff of KAPP NILES. It is used to exchange audio and video streams as well as to share and edit files.

The following data is session-based and is automatically deleted after logout:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Host address and port

Session based data that is deleted after everyone logs out:

  • Chat messages
  • Drawings on the whiteboard

Data stored at the site control:

  • Various logs (e.g. login, call logs)
  • Uploaded files (pictures, documents...) in the whiteboard

No data is passed on to third parties.

No data is passed on to servers in third countries. However, the data can be accessed or downloaded from end devices that may be used in third countries.

The app does not use any analysis or tracking tools.

The app accesses the camera, the microphone and, if used, the internal memory of the smartphone. The accesses are optional. However, the accesses are required for the use of all functions.

To assert your rights as a data subject, please contact: support (at) The same applies if you have questions about data processing in our apps or would like to revoke a consent granted therein. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority.


Transparancy and information obligation for customer, contract partners, interested third parties
Transparency and information obligation for customers, contract partners, interested parties of the KAPP NILES Group
Transparency and information obligation for customers, contract partners, interested parties of the KAPP Ausbildungs-GmbH
Transparency and information obligation for customers, contract partners, interested parties of the KAPP NILES Service GmbH
Transparency and information obligation for customers, contract partners, interested parties of the KAPP NILES Dienstleistungs-GmbH

Transparency and Information obligations for applicants:
Transparency and Information obligation for applicants of the KAPP NILES Group
Transparency and Information obligation for applicants of the KAPP Ausbildungs-GmbH
Transparency and Information obligation for applicants of the KAPP NILES Service GmbH
Transparency and Information obligation for applicants of the KAPP NILES Dienstleistungs-GmbH

Online offer for children
Persons under the age of 16 are not allowed to submit any personal data to us or give a declaration of consent without the authorisation of their legal guardians.

Links to social media
On our website you will find links to the social media services of Meta, LinkedIn and Xing. You can recognise links to the websites of the social media services by the respective company logo. When you click on links to a social media service, a connection is established to the servers of the social media service. This transmits to the servers of the social media service that you have visited our website. In addition, further data is transmitted to the provider of the social media service. These are for example:

  • Address of the website on which the activated link is located.
  • Date and time when the website is accessed or the link is activated
  • Information about the browser and operating system used
  • IP address

If you are already logged in to the corresponding social media service at the time the link is activated, the provider of the social media service may be able to determine your user name and possibly even your real name from the transmitted data and assign this information to your personal user account with the social media service. You can exclude this possibility of assignment to your personal user account if you log out of your user account beforehand.
The servers of the social media services are located in the USA and other countries outside the European Union. The data may therefore be processed by the social media service provider in countries outside the European Union. Please note that companies in these countries are subject to data protection laws that do not generally protect personal data to the same extent as they do in the Member States of the European Union.
Please note that we have no influence on the scope, type and purpose of the data processing by the provider of the social media service. For more information on the use of your data by the social media services integrated on our website, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective social media service.

Links to other vendors
Our website also includes clearly identifiable links to the sites of other companies. We have no control over the contents of third party websites linked to on our site. We therefore cannot accept responsibility and liability for these contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the content of this site. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible violations of law and identifiable legal infringements. Illegal contents were not recognizable at the time of linking. A permanent control of the linked pages is unreasonable without concrete evidence of a violation of law. Upon notification of legal infringement, such links will be removed immediately.

Data security
KAPP GmbH & Co. KG takes precautions to protect your data against accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorised individuals.


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